
We’ve been helping students reach their academic goals for more than 30 years.




We value personal connection, so all of our tutoring and classes happen in person.




Our goals are your goals. We know that there’s no limit to your student’s potential. And we’re here to help you realize it.




We offer solid preparation in fundamental academic skills, not just shortcuts or tricks to beat standardized tests.




We believe that a student’s academic success comes from great teaching, regular counseling, and an excellent curriculum – all of which we provide.




We’re dedicated to helping students and families who are committed to high achievement and ready to put forth the time and effort it takes to succeed.


“Elite didn’t just give me the answers and the methods – it gave me the mindset to prepare for any challenge.”

Andrew M. – Harvard College

Jonghwan Patrick Park

Our History

In 1987, Elite founder J. Patrick Park opened a small tutoring center in Rowland Heights, CA. From those humble beginnings, Elite has expanded to more than 40 locations across the world, and has helped thousands of students realize their academic goals. At Elite, our goal is to provide not only preparation for college, but learning for life.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide students with a challenging academic environment that promotes personal growth and discipline, develops the knowledge and skills necessary to unlock their academic potential, and ultimately assists them in gaining admission to the colleges and universities of their choice. Furthermore, we believe in instilling a passion for learning and promoting high standards of academic ambition in our students, encouraging them to develop their talents and passions so that they may reach their full potential both academically and personally.


Accredited By


About Elite

The Western Association of Schools and Colleges is one of six regional associations that accredit public and private schools, colleges, and universities in the United States. Select Elite branches are WASC accredited. To find out more about WASC accreditation, contact your local Elite branch.


Cognia provides an explicit set of standards and criteria for accreditation and certification. Meeting and exceeding those standards results in a valuable recognition of excellence.





About Elite

The World Economic Forum (WEF), based in Cologny, Geneva Canton, Switzerland, is an international NGO, founded on 24 January 1971. The WEF's mission is stated as "committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas".





About Elite

Roshan Learning Center is a community-driven initiative serving asylum seekers and refugees in Jakarta, Indonesia. Our focus is to provide learning experiences for children and youth while also empowering parents and other adults through English classes and other practical and enriching activities

About Elite

Hope Learning Center ( HLC ) is a refugee based education center which was established by a group of refugees in Bogor Indonesia, on February 2017 in order to provide free education for 120 kids and health services for over 600 refugees from various countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Ethiopia, Somali, Sudan and Yemen, in Cisarua Bogor.

About Elite

The Center for Future Global Leaders, formed in 2006, is a non-profit organization dedicated to cultivating the youth of today into the leaders of tomorrow through educational attainment and character development. The CFGL-sponsored International Academic Competitions seek to recognize students who demonstrate outstanding skills in the areas of persuasive writing (CFGL Essay Contest), linguistic and verbal arts (CFGL Lexicon Challenge), and mathematical thinking and problem solving (CFGL Math Challenge).

About Elite

The National Association of College Admissions Counseling, founded in 1937, is an organization of more than 12,000 professionals from around the world dedicated to serving students as they make choices about pursuing postsecondary education.It includes professional school counselors, college access counselors, admission and financial aid officers, and others.

About Elite

The American College Counseling Association is made up of diverse professionals from the fields of counseling, psychology, and social work. Our common theme is working within higher education settings. ACCA membership includes professionals and student members who work largely in college counseling settings. There are a growing number of community college counseling professionals who comprise the second largest group within ACCA. Members hold primarily a master’s or doctoral degree with the largest group being master’s level professionals. Counselor educators and Supervisors are also part of ACCA membership.

About Elite

NAFSA: Association of International Educators, with its nearly 10,000 members, is the world’s largest nonprofit professional association dedicated to international education. NAFSA and its members believe that international education and exchange—connecting students, scholars, educators, and citizens across borders is fundamental to establishing mutual understanding among nations, preparing the next generation with vital cross-cultural and global skills, and creating the conditions for a more peaceful world.

About Elite

The National Speech & Debate Association believes communication skills are essential for empowering youth to become engaged citizens, skilled professionals, and honorable leaders in our global society. We connect, support, and inspire a diverse community of honor society members committed to fostering excellence in young people through competitive speech and debate activities.





About Elite

The Ellis Island Medal of Honor is an American award founded by the Ellis Island Honors Society (EIHS) (formerly known as National Ethnic Coalition of Organizations (NECO) which is presented annually to American citizens, both native-born and naturalized. EIHS was founded in 1984, and the medals were established in 1986; a ceremony is held each May on Ellis Island. All branches of the United States Armed Forces traditionally participate.

About Elite

INDONESIA MOST ADMIRED FAVORITE EDUCATION AWARD 2020 is a form of appreciation presented by the Indonesia Development Achievement Foundation to educational institutions that provide the best service and for their achievements in improving performance and contribution to the world of education and national development

About Elite

The Indonesian Inspire and Best Company Awards are a collaboration between PT Sembilan Bersama Media and Indonesian Inspire Magazine. The awards given are an appreciation to figures, companies, and institutions who are considered to have contributed to the development of the country throughout 2019.